Dr. Donna Mayerson

Dr. Donna Mayerson, advisor for the VIA Institute, was Co-Founder of Hummingbird Coaching Services, LLC and Chief Coaching Officer. She was responsible for developing Hummingbird's training model and for maintaining its integrity. She was also Co-Founder of VIA Institute on Character, which has played an important role in helping to establish a new discipline in the field of psychology - positive psychology.
Dr. Mayerson earned her undergraduate degree in sociology at Miami University, a masters of education in special education at the University of Cincinnati, masters and doctorate in counseling psychology at the University of Utah. In addition to her role as advisor for VIA, she is the director of clinical services with the Ohio Innocence Project providing an array of services and supports to the lawyers, staff, students, and freed clients. She also works through a charitable family foundation with nonprofits in the Cincinnati area.
She has received a number of leadership awards for her philanthropic contributions from the following nonprofit organizations: Prokids, Ohio Innocence Project, Northern Kentucky University, University of Cincinnati (TAP program), Community Matters, the Speech, Hearing and Deaf Center. She received a volunteer of the year award from HER and Philanthropist of the year award along with her husband, Neal.